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Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle, Prevent Chronic Disease: Here’s How

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There are many benefits in caring for your body before it breaks down. Being proactive about your health is important in maintaining a productive and vibrant life. Here’s what you can do to keep your body working properly.

Eat a Healthy Diet

We have all heard the saying “you are what you eat” and there is some truth to it! Consider an organic, whole food diet with few processed foods.

Benefits of eating a well balanced diet:

You can also consider adding a supplement or a quality multivitamin or mineral complex to your daily routine. This can help with potential nutrient deficiencies.

Get Proper Sleep

Getting enough sleep has a lot of proven health benefits. Most adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep per day.

Benefits of getting enough z’s:

When you are sleep deprived, your body releases stress hormones that can affect your overall health. If you’re having trouble getting a good night’s rest, try taking a warm bath, meditate or practice breathing exercises to help unwind from the day.

Go For Annual Health Screenings

Over 133 million Americans have an undiagnosed chronic disease. By taking part in annual health screenings, chronic diseases such as heart disease, certain types of cancer, and diabetes can be identified early on.
With proper care and treatment early on, many chronic diseases can be non-life-threatening and treatable.

Keep Moving!

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health.
Benefits of exercise:

According to the CDC, An estimated 110,000 deaths per year could be prevented if US adults ages 40 and older increased their moderate-to-vigorous physical activity by a small amount. As little as 10 minutes more per day could make a significant difference!

Take care of yourself. Doing these important things will have a positive impact on your life and will only extend it!

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